Global Talent Visa

Ko nas je postavil na blazine, je ožigel in rekel, da tega verjetno nisem pričakoval. Potrdil sem, zakaj je res. Kmalu zbrana in odšla. Nismo videli več, a od takrat zagotovo ni bila ne druga ženska! Lahko rečem, da še nisem bil tako kompetenten ljubimec. Če bi ugotovili, da človeka ne vpliva na velikost dostojanstva, bi to lahko bil čudovit spolni partner. “



Global Talent visa is open for any exceptionally talented and/or promising individuals in fields such as academia or research, arts, and culture, or digital technologies. The visa is granted for up to 5 years, can be extended, and leads to settlement. Individuals who wish to follow this visa route are also allowed to bring their partners and dependents with them.

To be eligible for this visa you need

Endorsement from an endorsing body. You can be endorsed in the fields of engineering, humanities, science, medicine, digital technology, architecture, fashion design, film and television. You will need supporting documents such as reference letters from experts in their fields and fulfill a set of requirements in order to be eligible for an endorsement.

Can you bring your family with you?

Yes. You can bring your partner and childeren to live with you in the UK. They will be able to take on employment, study or start their own business in the UK.

After you get your British Citizenship you may consider making an applicaiton to bring your extended family members if you fulfill the requirements at the time.

What kind of work is permitted with this visa?

With a global talent residence permit you may start your own business, work for a business or an organization. You may also pursue education and study.
Health surcharge per person per year
Application fee in total
For when you apply for the endorsement
When you apply for the visa itself
For each partner and child
Per person if you are from countries below

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden or Turkey.

Your partner and children will still need to pay the full application fee.

If you would like to learn more about this visa type and how it suits you please feel free to contact us or ask us to contact you. Our initial consultation is free of charge! We can listen to your case and see how we can help you.